Surfing Fitness


The Power Stroke Cord comes with two fully removable resistance cords and two hooks, two handles, two hook spacers, a kidney support and a free instructional DVD. They will boost your swimming performance and surfing paddle power. If you’re a surfer they will: Help you paddle out back faster, boost your wave count, surf fatter waves, boost your aerobic fitness, help improve muscle power, the list is long!

The power stroke cord can be used by junior or senior surfers, with 2x resistance cords that can be changed in seconds.

They also help you with:

injury prevention
improve strength and endurance
catch more waves!
If you’re a swimmer looking for some more power in the pool then they can be a great help, resistance training is used.

The physiologic adoptions most often associated with strength training include increases in muscle mass, bone mass and connective tissue thickness with associated increases in muscle strength and endurance.

All of which can be highly useful to a surfer, strength during surfing movements can be gained by resistance training but not just any strength training will do, for example there are specific types of strength training for specific sports, different intensities and weights that if done on a regular basis will give different outcomes.

Strength training isn’t just about lifting weights, yes indeed weight training can be highly beneficial to surfing strength however, there are a vast range of strength training types that can also be of great benefit.

The ability to generate strength is a very important component for success in many sports, particularly in those involving explosive movements such as surfing.

If you can’t get to the pool for a swim session hook up to the power cord for a land based swim session!

If the swell dries up and you want to maintain your paddle fitness then 15/20 minute paddle workout can help- you maintain your fitness leaving you ready to rip when the surf returns!

If you’re suffering from an injury and can’t swim then Resistance Cords can be a useful tool on the road to recovery. Take some advice from a well qualified coach or sports therapist with regards to correct uses, the powerstroke cord can be a great way to get you back on your feet, they can allow you to maintain fitness and stay focused until your ready to hit the pool again.

For more info on resistance training for swimming fitness or surfing fitness please visit or

Qualified head swimming coach with 20 years experience in swimming
Gp referral consultant advanced exercise prescription
Advanced personal trainer

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